Taking on a management role ushers in a host of new responsibilities overnight. Rather than individual contributions, managers must coordinate teams, oversee projects, and drive strategic objectives.
It’s more work than anyone can handle alone. This demands the ability to effectively delegate tasks and empower team members to execute.
Yet many managers remain stuck doing everything themselves, struggling with:
- Relinquishing control
- Lacking trust
- Fearing underperformance
However, well executed delegation unlocks new capacities. When less bogged down by task execution, managers regain bandwidth to coach people, spearhead high-impact initiatives, and drive growth more broadly.
Delegation is easier said than done though. Without thoughtful consideration of team strengths and priorities, more harm than good occurs.
Principles of Strategic Delegation
Keeping a few core principles in mind allows managers to delegate successfully:
Match Skills to Assignments
Carefully assess strengths and development areas for each direct report. Tailor delegated responsibilities to build competence. This ensures higher performance.
Set Clear Guidelines
Provide all necessary context and expectations around deliverables, timelines, and success metrics. Establish structures upfront rather than micromanaging mid-project.
Encourage Ownership
Foster accountability by allowing team members freedom in execution details. Support autonomy building confidence through completed assignments.
Offer Support
Though hands-off, check in regularly to provide resources and remove roadblocks. Offer guidance not orders, enabling growth.
Making Delegation a Daily Practice
Many managers intellectually understand the merits of delegation, yet still cling tightly to executing tasks themselves. Breaking this habit requires making delegation a daily practice.
Rather than occasional or crisis-induced, build delegation into your regular workflow. Audit meetings and projects in your calendar, identifying opportunities to involve direct reports:
- Recurring status calls with partners
- Research and analysis for an upcoming pitch
- Competitive benchmarking prior to roadmap planning
- Collating customer feedback to detect patterns
Identify capable team members to take point on these efforts, providing the needed strategic context on business priorities. Resist tackling these yourself.
This daily shift away from being a doer towards and enabler is challenging but essential. The ease of just executing a task yourself fades compared to long term gains from elevating others.
To optimize, build in time biweekly with each direct report to assess workload balance and appropriate challenges. This allows adjustments preventing overwhelm or boredom.
Commit to progress not perfection when building delegation skills. Expect messiness, mistakes, and miscommunications at times. With frequent touch points, course correct quickly.
The outcomes over time make daily delegation well worth the growing pains. Your empowered team will drive greater impact while you focus on leading.
Pitfalls to Avoid
Even experienced managers fall into common delegation pitfalls, including:
Unclear Assignments
Failing to provide sufficient guidelines and desired outcomes leads to mismanaged efforts. Employees waste time or under deliver without firm direction.
Neglecting Development Areas
Assigning someone tasks far beyond current abilities sets them up for frustration rather than growth. Optimize stretch assignments for learning.
Dictating rigid instructions around task completion severely limits ownership and confidence building. Allow flexibility in execution.
Impact on Management Capacity
Learning effective delegation opens up manager bandwidth dramatically to focus on the true powers of the position:
Enabling Talent
The best managers are talent accelerators – delegation allows more coaching and development opportunities to unlock team potential.
Spearheading Change
Rather than daily tasks, managers must drive organizational strategy and culture. Delegation provides space for big picture thinking and execution.
Innovation Sparking
Delegate operations to direct reports in order to launch new initiatives, partnerships, and future-focused projects as a manager.
The art of delegation comes down to letting go of tactical control to elevate leadership influence. Set the vision, equip the team, coach in skills, then get out of the way to let people excel.